Much occurred during the next five years, events of minor importance as well as some that deeply affected the band. 2006 saw no particular activity as the band went into a hiatus but later in that year the band's three core members began their collaboration with vocalist George Papadopoulos (ex Stendor). His first very good performance at a live show urged the band to keep up with their extensive live appearances and their composing of new material. In 2009 they began work at the studio, however this time it was time for the excellent George Papadopoulos to depart for professional reasons. A few months later Kostas Tokas is introduced to the band and who ultimately got to sing in the new album. Another crucial change also occurred when long time member Dimitris kalantzis left Power Crue soon after the recording completed. In his place the remarkable Takis “Animal” Sotiropoulos took over. Up to the end of 2010 all recording was completed, “The Sign Of Rage” was re-released in vinyl and Power Crue was preparing for the concert-presentation of their new album. In December however, the death of George Rodopoulos in a car accident shocked everyone; a long-time friendship and collaboration had come to an abrupt and particularly sad end.